Minggu, 15 Februari 2015

Dana hibah

Apakah ada donatur yg mau memberikan donasi untuk menyelesaikan hutang usaha saya?

Saya dalam kondisi tidak ada pengharapan

Berapa pun yg akan anda sumbangkan saya ucapkan terima kasih. Semoga Tuhan yg membalas nya.

No rek 4290427822 bca
Sumbangan 10rb rupiah sudah sangat membantu.

Selasa, 27 November 2012

Be yourself and be happy

Does the cost of being happy is expensive?
Does everyone have the right to be happy?

Yes everyone have the right to be happy.

But how we can achieve our happines? Simple

JUST BE YOURSELF, act as what your habit
JUST BE YOURSELF, do what your happy
JUST BE YOURSELF, thanksfull for your real life, don't wish for something not exist

And stay close to GOD.

And is it expensive to be happy? Haha nooo, its very cheap

Now just think how's your life at now?
Are you pretending as someone else?
Stop it now. Be yourself, and get the freedom of life

Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

Pariwisata Surabaya

Surabaya is the second largest city in Indonesia. People usually visiting Surabaya for Business purpose.. Actually there's several good spot for visiting... the dishes in Surabaya is very amazing.. here very fond of Fried Duck

House of Sampoerna
This is the site of one of the largest Cigarettes industry in Indonesia (and world)

What to see: cigarette museum, Art studio, Surabaya heritage tour (don't forget to make book for the tour)

Opening hour: 10am - 10 pm
Admission Fee: Free

Kenjeran Beach

Kenjeran is the only beach that you can find in Surabaya. it consist of two parts. one is called by "kenjeran baru" (new kenjeran), rest "kenjeran lama" (old kenjeran). The beach at Kenjeran has a very small wave and black sand.

more like a park. it has: futsal arena, motor bike circuit, Buddha's temple, four faces Buddha statue (biggest one is Asia), Kwan Im statue (right beside the beach), walking street.
Enjoy the sunset while drink coconut fruit and eat some Surabaya's orgininal dishes (Kupang lontong)

enjoy the activity of fishing and sitting with your college or lover with enyoying the sunset.

Things you find around. Fisherman village, and some stall that selling for traditional cracker (Indonesia: "KERUPUK"). But don't forget to make bargain on each price they've stated. Usually bargain started from 25%

After you enjoy the beach, ride on the street to view the scenery of SURAMADU BRIDGE. make sure you enjoy in the night, so you can see hows beatiful the BRIDGE's LAMPS in the night.

This activity is ideally for: PHOTO seeker, culture.

Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

Pasar Traditional Surabaya

Berikut adalah mapping dari pasar tradiotional yang ada di KOTA Surabaya

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